Subaltern Voices

Subaltern Voices tells stories of social change, hope and resistance. The podcast is produced by Instituto NOW in collaboration with changemakers and purpose-driven organisations from different corners of the world. We are committed to inviting voices that have historically been and still are underrepresented in the social change field.

Season 1

Care, Resilience and Healing

Casa la Serena: giving healing a home

A group of women in Mexico and Central America gathered dreams and hopes to answer to the obstacles they face being activists and being women. Ana María Hernández and Nallely Tello share about Casa la Serena, a house dedicated to care and healing in Oaxaca, Mexico. They tell us about the journey creating this house, about the network and broader reflection around it.


Havle, a muslim feminist organization in Turkey

Questioning the unique - not to say male - way to tell history and to interpret islam led a group of women in Turkey to create the muslim feminist organisation Havle. Our interview with Rümeysa Çamdereli is a story of alternative truths, of theoretical discussions across continents and of music.

Proyecto Titi, the care work of preservation

They care for one specific monkey species: the cotton top tamarins. By doing so, Proyecto Titi helps the forest in the North West of Colombia grow back to what it used to be. In this episode we talk with Rosamira Guillem about the necessity for community in preservation, the importance of educating about ecology and about how their multi-layered conservation project impacts much more than the monkeys.

Beatrice Tulagan, climate justice organizing in Asia

While witnessing the consequences of climate change in the Philippines and globally, Beatrice Tulagan not only became Associate Director of Network development at , she is also a feminist and a talented writer. In this episode she talks about mental health, activism and the necessity of community when working on bringing the change she wants to see in the world.

Hope Chigudu, healing the soul of feminist movements

In this episode, Hope Chigudu tells us about practices she offers to feminist organizations that look for a meaningful way to continue their work. All the rituals, stories and images she shares in this episode can resonate to both the individual and the collective level as they rely on love, a resource found abundant in each and every one of us if we dare looking for it.